April 10, 2005
Reference Ezekial 37 *** "Ezekial told the truth without reservation." "Three prophets prophesied outside of Israel. Daniel, Ezekial, and Jonah." "We were walking dead before salvation! God breathed life into us! Now we Live!" "O Lord God Thou Knowest! God Knows! Can these old bones ever live?
April 3, 2005
Not available-webmaster on vacation
March 27, 2005
Easter Sunday Reference Luke 18 *** The resurrection story is part of our history and a part of our future. Keep what you value most on your mind today. If this were your last day what is most valuable to you? It is true to be saved you only need to believe on Jesus. We must walk after Him and follow His example in obedience.
Brother Joe Gentile delivered the evening message
March 20, 2005
Reference Luke 24:1-8, 2Tim 4:3, Revelation 21:18-21 *** "Are we running the race? Do we even know there is a race?" "We entered the race the day Jesus came into our lives." "We can't take on a 26 mile marathon or a job in the church without becoming exhausted, frustrated; It takes training and practice to endure."
March 20, 2005
Sister Nola played the piano, Brother Cliff offered prayer, Brothers Joe and Matt and Sister Heather led the church in the songs "Christ Arose", "Victory in Jesus", Brother Jim received the benevolence offering, Sisters Isabella and Heather sang a special song "Lily of the Valley", The church sang "When the roll is called up yonder", Brother Joe delivered the message, The alter was offered for prayer, Brother Bill closed in prayer, the church sang "The Unclouded Day."
March 20, 2005
Reference Luke 19:37, Matthew 21:7 *** "What did we have to do for God's grace? Absolutely nothing. What do have to do to keep God's grace? Absolutely nothing." "When Jesus looks at our hearts does it make Him weep?" What's in your heart? Your mind?" "When temptation comes what do you do with it?" "Resisting, Escaping, temptation will strengnthen us!" "Resist Satan and he will flee!"
March 13, 2005
Reference Isaiah 62, 1Corinthians *** "You! Are Sought Out!" "We! Know we are here in this place because Jesus rose again!" "As a child of God we can be a vessel for the Spirit. We are called to be Saints, A Holy people." "Commentator Matthew Henry said, You will be Holy according to the choices you make."
March 6, 2005
Reference Psalm 18, Proverbs 20 *** The Candle and 24 hours of prayer. "There was work to be done to keep it going." "There were tools used for trimming the wick and wax for the best flame." "When you are tired doing God's work, Stop and step back. Listen to Him. He is working on you."
Ps 18:28 For thou wilt light my candle; the Lord my God will enlighten my darkness. "Pray! When you are tired for direction, peace, a new fire!" "You can be sure of God's voice when you are 1.Praying 2.Bible Reading 3.In Fellowship/Church attending."
March 6, 2005
Sister Nola began our service with piano music. Sister Rebekah sang a special song "Pharoah." Sister Heather and Brother Matt led the church in the song "Unclouded Day." Brother Cliff offered prayer. The church sang "Lily of the Valley." Brothers Paul and Jim received the tithes and offerings. Matt read the announcements. The church sang "Happy Birthday" to Pastor Bill. The church sang "Happy Anniversary" to Matt and Liz. The church sang "Bring Them In." Sisters Sarah and Liz sang "It's Gonna Rain." Sister Roberta led the children dismissed for Children's Church. Pastor Bill delivered the message. The church sang "Pass Me Not" during the alter call accompanied by Nola on piano. Brother Bill closed in prayer. The church sang "At Calvary" to conclude the service.
February 27, 2005
Reference Matthew 12:1-9, Luke 4:16*** Today the Pastor spoke of the importance of regular church attendance."My being in church made me the Christian I am today!" Unregular or regular attendance will make all of us the Christians we are today." "Follow the example Jesus set for us. Be in Church on the Sabbath! Always follow the examples of Jesus."
February 20, 2005
Pastor Bill was ill today. Brother Tim Webb from Erie St FWB Church preached the message. Reference 1Sam 15:,16: *** "Sometimes we think we have a better plan than God!" "Be sure your sin will find you out!" "I can't get you into heaven. You can't get me into heaven." "Trust and obey Him! Nothing you DO will get you into heaven." "God sees your heart and isn't impressed by your outward appearance." "Belief in GEN 1:1 is essential or your won't believe the rest of this! (Bible)" "How is your heart with God? Sinners, get a transplant right here today! Get a new heart of flesh! God will replace that cold heart of stone!"
February 6, 2005
Acts 16:25-34 *** *In Paul's ministry riots were in the temples and revival was in prison." "Go to prayer at midnight. Go to prayer in the daylight. In bad times and good times." "Praise God in your good times! Don't wait for bad times to call on Him! Don't wait for your spiritual earthquake!" "Do you know hopelessness? Don't buy into it! You might FEEL that way but it's not so!" "Pray for the lost, the saved, old and young. "Come on church! Pray!"
Brother Joe Gentile brought the evening message
February 6, 2005
*** Romans 14: *** "Do we spend our days in judgement?" "Do we spend our days in idle gossip?" "Truth is what we are supposed to show!" "Holding others accountable to the truth should not be a big deal! Just do it! "Do we hold different people to different standards? Sin is sin."
February 6, 2005
Today's reference was Luke 12:13-48 *** "He who dies with the most toys wins? What's that all about?" "When we realize the unimportance of our possessions we realize how poor we really are!" "If you choose not to know God or to love Him; He is still there." "Worry draws us away and we must realize there is no value in worry and it steals our strength for tomorrow." "A sensibel steward will be unworried and relaxed."
January 30, 2005
Traveling the Roman's Road. "The wo single most important events of this Christian life are repentance and salvation." "Why do we need Jesus? All have sinned and death is passed on to all men." "While we were yet sinners Jesus died for us." "The gift of God is eternal life." "Call upon the name of the Lord." "We've heard this before but have we really? Please never tire of His Word!" "There is no other way to salvation and life!"
January 30, 2005
Sister Nola began with organ music and then piano music. Brother Matt sang the song "Driving Nails" and Psalm 8. Brother John offered the morning prayer. The church sang "The unclouded day" and "Redeemed." Brothers Jim and Paul received the tithes and offerings. The church sang "Victory in Jesus." Pastor Bill presented the morning sermon of salvation. One made the decision for Jesus! Praise God for this young girl! A husband and wife desired baptism today and were baptized. Praise God for their testimony! Todays newest Christian desired to be baptizd also! She was baptized along with her mother! Praise God! The service ended with the church singing "Amazing Grace." This was the hottest baptism water of all time! The expressions on the faces looked as though it were very cold.
January 23, 2005
All services and activities were canceled today because of the weather.
January 16, 2005
Reference Luke 6:47, Matthew 7:21 *** Three Truths from Jesus' teaching; Saying the right words will not get me into His Kingdom. Doing good works will not get me into His Kingdom. Obeying God's Will; Will get me into His Kingdom. Barriers we face; Selective obedience, Situtational obedience. "What does God own? Me! And all that I own! Knowing that He owns everything."
January 16, 2005
Sister Nola began the service with great piano music. Heather and Matt led the church in song from our Hymn Book beginning with Lily of the Valley. Brother Dave offered sincere prayer of thanks. The church sang The Solid Rock. Brothers Paul and Jim received the tithes and offerings. The announcements were read. The church sang Pass Me Not. Sister Liz sang a special song "What God's Gonna Do." Children were dismissed for children's church. Pastor Bill preached the message. Sister Nola played Softly and Tenderly during the alter call. The church concluded service by singing Wonderful Words of Life
January 9, 2005
Reference 3 John 13:, Luke 9:5-7, Genesis 3:, Romans 7:, Sermon Title WHY IS LORDSHIP NECESSARY? *** "It settles the Lordship issue in our lives." "Eve didn't settle the Lordship issue. Obedience wasn't chosen." "Whenever we put God first we are going against our nature." "Pray this; Teach me to look to you in all things." "A partial surrender to God's Will is not surrender." "If Satan's plans cannot pull you away he will convince you of a partial lordship." "If the devil can't win you he will try to make you a useless Christian." "Paul demonstrated his own Lordship struggle."
Two tools Brother Bill used today were the Concecration Check and the Lordship Ladder. Where are you in your walk?
January 2, 2005
Happy New Year! The month of January begins the year with teaching of Stewardship. In Children's Church we learned of the gifts God has given each of us. We made an acrostic of our names and drew pictures of each along the right margin. (Bill=Bicycles, Icicles, lemons, lasagna)